Rev. Michael Gehrling
Associate for Assessments/Recruitment
1001 New Worshipping Communities
Rev. Michael Gehrling is passionate about helping communities rely increasingly on the Holy Spirit. He believes that ancient practices of discernment can lead communities to innovative new ministries, that our best tool for making new disciples is prayer, and that the best way a person can grow in their faith is to share it with others.
Michael is the 1001 New Worshiping Communities Associate for Recruitment and Assessments. In this role, he walks alongside innovative leaders as they discern the new things God is calling them and the church to create together. He also aids presbyteries and worshiping communities in developing faithful practices to cultivate innovation among their people. Additionally, Michael is co-editor and a contributing author to the book Sustaining Grace: Innovative Ecosystems for New Faith Communities. He is also a certified Clifton Strengths Coach with Gallup. Michael is based in Pittsburgh, and when he’s not working, he can often be found enjoying his favorite hobby – West Coast swing dancing