Rev. Sara Hayden
Associate for Apprenticeships
1001 New Worshipping Communities
The Rev. Sara Hayden is the Director of Apprenticeships and Leadership Cohorts for the 1001 New Worshiping Communities movement and the host of 1001’s podcast New Way.
Sara has been instrumental in the development of 1001’s national apprenticeship and residency programs and cohort network, to which more than 100 new worshiping community leaders turn for mutual support and continued training. Sara is also a 1001 network coach. She uses her experience as a regional and local new worshiping community leader to inform that work. As director of the 1001 Apprenticeship and Residency Program, Sara teaches apprentices about church-planting via weekly video seminars.
A graduate of Columbia Theological Seminary and Truman State University, Sara also studied developmental sociology at the University of Havana in Cuba. Her expertise includes recruitment and development of new worshiping community leaders, leadership retreats, apprenticeships, and sustaining fruitful leadership cohorts. She is a coach for the Gallup Strengths Finder leadership assessment tool, and has coached multiple staff teams and leadership groups in talent identification and team-building. She is also an ICF-trained executive coach.